From Follett In the icy land of prehistoric Alaska, two heroic storytellers bring to life the final chapter of their ancestors: the star-crossed lovers Chakliux and Aqamdax A handsome young tribal warrior and sage, Yikaas has traveled across the sea to hear stories of the Whale Hunter and the Sea Hunter peoples. Around the fire, Qumalix, a beguiling and beautiful storyteller, barely old enough to be a wife, catches the eye of Yikaas, and so begins their flirtation through storytelling, which brings to vivid life tales of the Near River and Cousin River tribes. The fates of lovers Chakliux and Aqamdax, and their wicked nemesis K & rsquo;os, are revealed as Yikaas and Qumalix weave together tales from their ancestors & rsquo; past & mdash;and tales from their own lives. Call Down the Stars is the final book of the Storyteller Trilogy, which also includes Song of the River and Cry of the Wind.