Sno Valley Center Library

Sno Valley Senior Center Library

The Maverick's Holiday Surprise

By: Karen Rose Smith

A WEDDING IN THE WORKS? We here at the Gazette are amazed to report that trust-fund cowboy Hudson Jones may soon be off the market. The boyish billionaire has been spending more time than ever with Bella Stockton, who manages his day-care center. It seems impossible that quiet, reserved Bella would have captured the fancy of such an alluring specimen of manhood. Bella finds it hard to believe herself, and she keeps pushing Hudson away. What are the odds the footloose cowboy will stick around once he finds out she can't have kids? Don't tell Bella, but our sources report Hudson has his heart set on a Christmas proposal. When he finds out the truth, will it still be a holiday to remember? Dedication To my dad who would have been 100 years old this year. With his 35 mm camera, he gave me my love of capturing memories with photography. I miss you, Daddy.

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