Sno Valley Center Library

Sno Valley Senior Center Library

A Hooded Crow

By: Craig Thomas

Andrew Babbington has gone over to the enemy, working on industrial espionage for the KGB. But between the impatient Russians who want to get their hands on some advanced tech, and the British intelligence specialists who’ve trained their sights on the manufacturers who supply them, his efforts could fall apart at any moment—especially after the discovery of a downed plane in the Namibian desert, and the illicit cargo it was carrying. Now, Sir Kenneth Aubrey and Patrick Hyde of MI6 are working off a tip about some shady businessmen with access to terrifying weapons. They’re willing to sell to the highest bidder—no matter how disreputable. To prevent the deaths of innocent people, the seasoned warriors must spring into action. The geopolitical landscape may be shifting in unpredictable ways, but Aubrey and Hyde know that some things never change—including greed . . .

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