Sno Valley Center Library

Sno Valley Senior Center Library


By: Leigh Greenwood

The freedom of the range, the bawling of the longhorns, the lonesome night watch beneath a vast, starry sky--they get into a man's blood until he knew there was nothing better than the life of a cowboy ... except the love of a good woman. MELODY When Chet Attmore rode into the Spring Water Ranch, he was only a dusty drifter, hoping to find a fresh horse and stay one step ahead of his reputation as a gunfighter. But by the next morning he was being pressured into several unfamiliar roles: Young Neil Jordan saw him as some kind of hero, with guns ablazing; the ranch foreman hoped he'd be the savior who could stand up to their land-hungry neighbor Lantz Royal; and the lovely new owner of the Spring Water had offered him a job as a cowboy. Most disturbing of all, Melody was looking for a husband, and when Chet held her soft, sweet body against his, he was tempted to fulfill every one of her expectations... and more. Amazon

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